Another day, another #8PenQuestions answer! You can see my all of my #8PenQuestions answers here.

5. What is your grail pen?

I’m not sure if I have one single grail pen that’s on a pedestal above all the others; I’m quite satisfied with my pen collection at the moment. That said, if I had to pick a single pen I crave, it would be the Leonardo x Stilo e Stile Momento Zero Via Lattea. Named for the Milky Way, this pen was a 2023 Black Friday special edition and sadly it sold out long before I learned of its existence. One day I might get lucky on the second hand market, but for now this pen is very much out of reach!

Leonardo x Stilo e Stile Momento Zero Via Lattea

The official photo does the pen no favours, but honestly, look at that beauty. I’m in love. 

Thanks for reading! Stick around for another #8PenQuestions post coming soon.