Another day, another #8PenQuestions answer! You can see my all of my #8PenQuestions answers here.
5. What is your grail pen?
I’m not sure if I have one single grail pen that’s on a pedestal above all the others; I’m quite satisfied with my pen collection at the moment. That said, if I had to pick a single pen I crave, it would be the Leonardo x Stilo e Stile Momento Zero Via Lattea. Named for the Milky Way, this pen was a 2023 Black Friday special edition and sadly it sold out long before I learned of its existence. One day I might get lucky on the second hand market, but for now this pen is very much out of reach!
The official photo does the pen no favours, but honestly, look at that beauty. I’m in love.
Thanks for reading! Stick around for another #8PenQuestions post coming soon.